Judges Needed for Poetry Contest

I’m recruiting lovers of literature to act as judges of poems for a poetry contest we have begun in our Coram Deo Academics class (a Classical Education homeschooling resource in Michigan). This is a middle-school aged group of kids. 10 poems are entered in the contest. Please review the poems and send an email message to me indicating your choice for first, second, and third place to dblindseyjr@gmail.com (or, if you wish, post a comment with your top three choices: first, second, and third best).

The only criteria for the contest is that the poems must either mention or allude to a character or plot line in the classic Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold, by CS Lewis, and all 10 poems have fulfilled that requirement.

Rewards will be given to all students participating.

I will monitor all comments, tally all votes and announce the top three place winners in a new post on this blog. To decrease bias and increase Internet safety, each student’s name is attributed an alias.

Scroll down to see all 10 poems. Thank you for your help!

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