Oh Happy Day!

“Oh Happy Day” is a poem written by Emily Shaull, one of my students in a Medieval Literature course I’m teaching at Coram Deo Academics. Students were given an assignment to write a poem which includes their conceit regarding Robin’s death in the epilogue of The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.

We all have distinct perspectives with regard to literature and language. Emily rejoiced at the end of the book. I wept! I believe Emily really did enjoy the book, notwithstanding the poetic conceit she conveys in “Oh Happy Day!”


Oh Happy Day!

I once embarked on a journey

To meet the legendary Robin Hood.

I read of his adventures and stories,

To see if they were any good.

Robin was bold and brave;

He was an arrogant knave.

He claimed to be the best

At archery, sword and staff.

From his praise of his skill,

He would never rest.

Alas, after many adventures and brawls,

The great Robin Hood died.

But I wasn’t sad at all.

I can’t even say that I cried.

I have to admit, I rejoiced.

I do not miss his jolly voice;

I’m glad that the stories are done.

I’m happy that he wanders Sherwood no more.

In the end, I’m happy King John won,

For reading of Robin was a bore.

Yes, his death was a tragedy

When his cousin went berserk

And decided to bleed him to death.

Oh my, what a jerk!

But I do not miss jolly Robin,

Not even a little bit,

For I believe that his merry men

Had more skill, strength and wit.

Farewell, Robin, may you rest in peace!

Never having to hear of you again puts my heart at ease.

─ © Emily Shaull

4 February 2013

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